Principal’s Message

new staff portrait

Welcome checkered flags waving, students, parents, and pit crew members to the 2024-2025 school year!

Get ready to rev your engines because this year’s theme is “Operation Success: The Race to High Achievement!” Just like a thrilling car race, this school year promises to be a high-octane journey filled with learning, challenges, and reaching the checkered flag of accomplishment.

Remember, on this racetrack, everyone’s a winner. We’re not competing against each other, but rather working together as a team to achieve our personal best. Our classrooms are your well-equipped garages, stocked with knowledgeable teachers as your expert mechanics. They’ll guide you, troubleshoot any problems, and help you fine-tune your skills to become a champion learner.

The racecourse may have some unexpected turns and obstacles – that’s okay! These are just opportunities to put on the brakes, learn new strategies, and make adjustments. We’ll be your cheering section every step of the way, celebrating your victories, big and small, and helping you get back on track after any setbacks.

Operation Success: The Race to High Achievement isn’t just about academics. We have a vibrant after-school program that’s like your high-performance pit stop. Explore your interests, discover hidden talents, and develop valuable teamwork and problem-solving skills – all while having a blast! These experiences will supercharge your academic performance and prepare you for the victory lap.

To our parents and guardians, you’re our essential pit crew member. Your unwavering support, encouragement, and guidance are the high-performance fuel that will keep your child moving forward. We look forward to partnering with you throughout the year to ensure a smooth ride to success.

So, buckle up, future champions! The starting flag is about to drop on an incredible year. Embrace the challenge, push your limits, and get ready to cross the finish line of achievement together. Let’s make this the most exhilarating school year yet!

Educationally Yours,

Chanda Scott, Principal